A Pretty Place for Everything

by Melanie, January 8, 2013

Happy New Year from Whittington Design Studio!

Just like everybody else on the planet, we’re focused on getting our acts together after a couple of weeks of holiday cheer.  There are millions of articles floating around the internet right now telling you how to get yourself organized for the new year and probably just as many products to go along with the expert advice.  We don’t pretend to be organizing experts — you should see our desks — but we do know a thing or two about pretty.  So in honor of that organizing spirit that overtakes us all each January, take a look at some great design ideas to put everything in its place.

Photo:  High Street Market

The navy on these built-ins is fresh and fabulous and just look at all that storage potential!  Great for an office, living room, dining room or hallway.

Photo:  Anthropologie

And speaking of storage potential, this trunk from Anthropologie brings rustic, old-world style into your entry or family room.

Photo:  Canadian House and Home

Building out the wall around a gas fireplace provides great secret storage.

Photo:  Canadian House and Home

Clever stair case designs (shown above and below) make great use of often wasted space.

Photo:  Canadian House and Home
Photo:  Michigan Design

No mud to be seen in this chic mudroom.

Photo:  Canadian House and Home

Kid clutter is tamed by hidden storage in a great bedroom design.

Photo:  Shopaholic

Putting the laundry away would be a joy here — we love the way the closet mixes classic style with modern function.

Photo:  HGTV

Uniform storage jars are the key to success in this open pantry.

Photo:  The House of Smiths

This patterned wallpaper is almost too pretty to be hiding behind the canned goods.

Photo:  Shop Terrain

Toss your design magazines in this cute tye-dye felted basket from Shop Terrain.

So if you need to get organized this month — and don’t we all — try out some of these ideas to make a pretty place for everything.  And then consider hiring a cleaning company to put everything in it’s place.

Do it!


Photo:  Better Homes and Gardens

This one is not really pretty but it is super clever so we had to share:  shower hooks as purse hangers for your closet!  Make it pretty with a fabulous purse!

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