We love the way this family room is put together and how it makes us crave margaritas! The turquoise coffee table, orange pillows and green artwork really make an impact against the neutral furniture and sisal area rug. Have neutral furniture? You’re in luck! Here are some ideas to recreate this fresh and fun family room.
Orange Pillows to give your sofa a punch!
www.lacefielddesigns.comWe like these three pillows together on one piece of furniture because the patterns are so different. If you are buying pillows that are all the same color, make sure to mix up the scale and design of the patterns.
To achieve the distressed look of this coffee table try painting an existing wood piece. We recommend Benjamin Moore’s Miami Teal. It will look great with the orange pillows!
Pull it all together with an amazing piece of artwork. Marsha Staiger is a new artist we are showing in the gallery and we are all lusting over her work! This piece called Four Sides Series, Blue Green Bottle is acrylic and collage on paper, and against a beige wall it will create a major impact!