Fall is a busy time for designers. All of our clients are preparing to spend a lot more time inside their homes, celebrating the holidays and hunkering down for the long, cold winter.
We love fall, but it’s not just because business is good. Fall is the perfect time for outdoor parties — we can’t get enough of them! But the thermometer is definitely starting to dip — especially after the sun goes down — so a good outdoor party at this time of year requires a centerpiece that generates some heat.
Fire pits are the ultimate multi-taskers in an outdoor space. They provide ambiance, lighting, a dramatic focal point, a place for your kids to toast their marshmallows, and last, but certainly not least, warm comfort on a chilly night.
We love this airy, fireplace-focused seating and dining space. It feels like you are on vacation at your own Mediterranean villa.
How cool (err, warm) is this sleek concrete fireplace in front of the bold, red wall?
The flagstone floor and stone seating surrounding this fire bowl create a dramatic space to entertain.
This cozy space keeps you warm while you take in the game and the view!
What family wouldn’t love a fireplace/television combo like this one in the garden of D.C. council member Jack Evans?
This fireplace integrates seamlessly with the home and patio.
An iron chimea heats up the space so guests can enjoy the view.
And, last but not least, check out Thom Filicia’s lake house fire pit, featured in the November issue of House Beautiful. What a great place to relax with friends. We love Thom Filicia even more than we love fire pit season — think he will invite us to the lake?
People love to gather around the flames, so go ahead and light an outdoor fire for your party guests this fall.
Do it!
p.s. To quote one of our favorite party friends “When the sun goes down, you have to go brown.” Try a cup of whiskey punch to keep things cool when you play by the fire!